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Subscription and Billing

To access your subscription and billing information, click Account tab and select Subscription.

A new browser tab opens showing the Subscription tab of the My Account section of the online platform.

Subscription and Billing View

Details in this section can help you to manage your usage in accordance with the size of your plan. Review and upgrade your plan, and see the number of queries executed during the current billing period and when the counter will reset. If you need to make more queries than your plan allows, you may exceed your allowance for a small cost per query. Refer to pricing for details.

  1. Current plan: Shows the name of the plan to which you are currently subscribed.
  2. Change plan: Allows you to change the plan that you are on.
  3. Query count: Shows the number of executed queries in the current billing period (month or year), along with your total allowance.
  4. Past invoices: Takes you to your past invoices.
  5. Edit card details: Option to update your billing information.
  6. Cancel: Takes you to form to end your subscription. When your subscription expires, all extractors and extracted data get deleted at that time.

Note: requires notification periods for cancellation, please check your account Terms and Conditions.